My name is Jules Pesce-DeFerrari and I am a Sarasota based artist who is focused on creating art that tells a deep story and allows people around me to feel seen. I am currently a Third year student at Ringling College of Art and Design pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration with a minor in Creative writing. 
I began my love for art at a young age but didn't pursue it until my senior year in high school where I began to create stories that I wanted to come alive. my ultimate goal is to create comics and stories full of mystical characters and futuristic environments.
I was raised in Asheville NC where I spend my summers exploring the woods, finding inspiration for my artistic endeavors. I enjoy creating illustrations that span throughout different styles and mediums. Right now, I am focusing on tightening up my style and pursuing opportunities in graphic novel art, children's book, surface design, and freelance commissions. 

you can reach me here at any time!
Instagram- julespescedeferrariart 
Below is my Resume

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